What Are The Advantages Of Indoor Bamboo Plywood?

2022-12-17 Pageviews: 1533

Nowdays bamboo has developed into a very versatile material with a wider range of applications, especially with the maturity of bamboo plywood technology, bamboo gradually replaces wood, metal alloy and plastic composite materials, Taohuajiang Bamboo is a powerful manufacturer that develops and mast

Nowdays bamboo has developed into a very versatile material with a wider range of applications, especially with the maturity of bamboo plywood technology, bamboo gradually replaces wood, metal alloy and plastic composite materials, Taohuajiang Bamboo is a powerful manufacturer that develops and masters bamboo plywood technology, and has made great efforts to promote the wide application of bamboo. Taohuajiang bamboo has all aspects of superior performance, mainly in: 

1. High density and wear resistance

2. Green and Eco-friendly

3. Natural and beautiful

4. Hard and good toughness

Taohuajiang bamboo has excellent physical properties, A unique and patented heat treatment process provides Bamboo plywood excellent mechanical properties such as high density, wear resistance and high stability. Unlike hardwood, THJ bamboo plywood are a very conventional material in terms of stability and structure and are therefore easy to process. It can be made into trusses to solve the problem of large spans in buildings.

THJ bamboo with Green and Eco-friendly features, THJ bamboo plywood are safe and eco-friendly materials it has excellent physical and mechanical performance, including small expansion of water absorption, high stability, durability and toughness. THJ laminted bamboo boards is a natural, ecological substitute for wooden and other composite materials.

The surface of Taohuajiang bamboo plywood has dense and straight texture, and the bamboo joints are well-spaced, which has the natural texture of bamboo. There are two kinds of effects, namely, row joints and scattered joints. Meanwhile, bamboo is an ecological material, it can be widely used in interior decoration, furniture, packaging, crafts and other occasions.


Infinite bamboo plywood using our patented finger joints make the length can reach 10m, width up to 1.2m, any numbers of layers of 20mm thick single ply lamination. And give full play to the bamboo hard, high density, high strength, good toughness, not easy to split characteristics and advantages, bamboo plywood is the best structural bamboo materials.

Through our efforts, we can process bamboo with low economic value into bamboo boards with high economic value through science and technology, and get recognized by the market. The market demand for bamboo panels is increasing day by day, and it has become an indispensable new eco-friendly materials in the building materials market, Bamboo panels has great potential value and environmental protection significance for replacing non-renewable materials such as wood, metal, plastic and glass.